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USER: ------------------ Array ( [ID] => 6c35174ef90623af352fd4f368398f58 [am] => 1 [liv] => Array ( [0] => 1225 [1] => 744 [2] => 670 [3] => 587 [4] => 65 ) ) ========================== USER DATA: ------------------ Array ( [user_id] => 0 [user_name] => Guest [groups] => Array ( [0] => 3 ) [group_quota] => 0 [can_rate_pictures] => 1 [can_send_ecards] => 0 [can_post_comments] => 0 [can_upload_pictures] => 0 [can_create_albums] => 0 [pub_upl_need_approval] => 0 [priv_upl_need_approval] => 0 [access_level] => 3 [disk_max] => 0 [disk_min] => 0 [has_admin_access] => 0 [group_name] => Guests [can_create_public_albums] => 0 [can_see_all_albums] => 0 [group_id] => 3 [allowed_albums] => Array ( ) ) ========================== Queries: ------------------ Array ( [0] => SELECT name, value FROM cpg143_config [include/] (0.23 ms) [1] => SELECT * FROM cpg143_plugins ORDER BY priority [include/] (0.1 ms) [2] => SELECT user_id, time FROM `datacenter_data`.cpg143_sessions WHERE session_id = '227da217275a0dde2939efbd84f1ff78' [bridge/] (0.11 ms) [3] => SELECT MAX(group_quota) AS disk_max, MIN(group_quota) AS disk_min, MAX(can_rate_pictures) AS can_rate_pictures, MAX(can_send_ecards) AS can_send_ecards, MAX(can_post_comments) AS can_post_comments, MAX(can_upload_pictures) AS can_upload_pictures, MAX(can_create_albums) AS can_create_albums, MAX(has_admin_access) AS has_admin_access, MAX(access_level) AS access_level, MIN(pub_upl_need_approval) AS pub_upl_need_approval, MIN( priv_upl_need_approval) AS priv_upl_need_approval FROM cpg143_usergroups WHERE group_id in (3) [bridge/] (0.11 ms) [4] => SELECT group_name FROM cpg143_usergroups WHERE group_id= 3 [bridge/] (0.09 ms) [5] => SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cpg143_categorymap WHERE group_id in (3) [bridge/] (0.1 ms) [6] => SELECT aid FROM cpg143_albums WHERE moderator_group IN (3) [include/] (0.09 ms) [7] => SELECT lang_id FROM cpg143_languages WHERE enabled='YES' [include/] (0.11 ms) [8] => DELETE FROM cpg143_banned WHERE expiry < '2025-03-14 16:32:38' [include/] (0.1 ms) [9] => SELECT null FROM cpg143_banned WHERE ('' LIKE ip_addr ) AND brute_force=0 LIMIT 1 [include/] (0.09 ms) [10] => SELECT aid FROM cpg143_albums WHERE (1 AND visibility != 0 AND visibility != 10000 AND visibility NOT IN (3)) [include/] (0.09 ms) [11] => SELECT title, keyword FROM cpg143_albums WHERE aid = 22 [include/] (0.09 ms) [12] => SELECT filename, title, pid, position, ctime FROM cpg143_pictures WHERE pid = 65 [include/] (0.1 ms) [13] => SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cpg143_pictures WHERE ((aid='22' ) ) AND approved='YES' AND (filename < 'P1160104.jpg' OR filename = 'P1160104.jpg' AND pid < 65) [include/] (0.16 ms) [14] => SELECT title, keyword FROM cpg143_albums WHERE aid = 22 [include/] (0.07 ms) [15] => SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cpg143_pictures WHERE ((aid='22' ) ) AND approved='YES' [include/] (0.09 ms) [16] => SELECT, r.aid, filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight, filesize, ctime, r.title, r.keywords, r.votes, pic_rating, hits, caption, r.owner_id FROM cpg143_pictures AS r WHERE ((aid = 22 ) )AND approved='YES' ORDER BY filename ASC, pid ASC LIMIT 10 ,1 [include/] (0.19 ms) [17] => SELECT FROM cpg143_pictures AS r WHERE ((aid = 22 ) )AND approved='YES' ORDER BY filename ASC, pid ASC LIMIT 9 ,1 [include/] (0.16 ms) [18] => SELECT FROM cpg143_pictures AS r WHERE ((aid = 22 ) )AND approved='YES' ORDER BY filename ASC, pid ASC LIMIT 11 ,1 [include/] (0.16 ms) [19] => SELECT FROM cpg143_pictures AS r WHERE ((aid = 22 ) )AND approved='YES' ORDER BY filename ASC, pid ASC LIMIT 0 ,1 [include/] (0.14 ms) [20] => SELECT FROM cpg143_pictures AS r WHERE ((aid = 22 ) )AND approved='YES' ORDER BY filename DESC, pid DESC LIMIT 0 ,1 [include/] (0.14 ms) [21] => SELECT title, comments, votes, category, aid FROM cpg143_albums WHERE aid='22' LIMIT 1 [displayimage.php:420] (0.08 ms) [22] => SELECT p.cid, FROM cpg143_categories AS c, cpg143_categories AS p WHERE c.lft BETWEEN p.lft AND p.rgt AND c.cid = 2 ORDER BY p.lft [include/] (0.11 ms) [23] => SELECT, r.aid, filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight, filesize, ctime, r.title, r.keywords, r.votes, pic_rating, hits, caption, r.owner_id FROM cpg143_pictures AS r WHERE ((aid = 22 ) )AND approved='YES' ORDER BY filename ASC, pid ASC LIMIT 10 ,1 [include/] (0.2 ms) [24] => SELECT extension, mime, content, player FROM cpg143_filetypes [include/] (0.12 ms) [25] => UPDATE cpg143_pictures SET hits = hits + 1, lasthit_ip = '', mtime = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE pid = 65 [include/] (0.13 ms) [26] => INSERT INTO cpg143_hit_stats SET pid = 65, search_phrase = '', Ip = '', sdate = '1741966358', referer='', browser = 'Unknown', os = 'Unknown', uid ='0' [include/] (0.08 ms) [27] => SELECT null FROM cpg143_albums WHERE category < 10000 AND uploads='YES' AND (visibility = '0' OR visibility IN (3)) AND aid = '22' [themes/curve/theme.php:520] (0.09 ms) [28] => SELECT null FROM cpg143_albums WHERE category < 10000 AND uploads='YES' AND (visibility = '0' OR visibility IN (3)) AND aid = '22' [themes/curve/theme.php:520] (0.07 ms) ) ========================== GET : ------------------ Array ( [album] => 22 [pid] => 65 [slideshow] => 4000 ) ========================== POST : ------------------ Array ( ) ========================== COOKIE : ------------------ Array ( [datacenterpics_data] => YTozOntzOjI6IklEIjtzOjMyOiI2YzM1MTc0ZWY5MDYyM2FmMzUyZmQ0ZjM2ODM5OGY1OCI7czoyOiJhbSI7aToxO3M6MzoibGl2IjthOjU6e2k6MDtzOjM6Ijg1NyI7aToxO3M6NDoiMTIyNSI7aToyO3M6MzoiNzQ0IjtpOjM7czozOiI2NzAiO2k6NDtzOjM6IjU4NyI7fX0= [f958fcd63c306d37996732a3abea8988] => 704c050e5daad0f41598f0e7fe524b00 ) ==========================